Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your prompt interest and involvement in the observance of Purple day India. I have spoken to the Anita Kauffman Foundation executive director and she has agreed that the Bidada Sarvodaya trust can out their logo and web site address on Purple Day India material. However this will mean that we will have to find sponsors for all the materials required which are as follows:

  • A1 size Purple day India posters- 5000
  • Purple balloons – 20,000
  • Purple day India T- shirts- 500
  • Purple bands- 5000
  • Purple sweets- 2000
  • Purple pens- 500

This will be an excellent opportunity to bring the trust work and name in the public domain all over India. The above materials will be sent to all the neurologists in India, who number around 1100.

Looking forward to your fullest cooperation.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely


Dr. J. Nathan

Chief Co-coordinator Purple day India.